community guidelines

Welcome to OneFootball Community!

Our community is about connecting people through open and thoughtful conversations. We want our readers to share their views and exchange ideas in a safe space. In order to do so, we’ve created a simple set of rules that will improve your experience. Simply put, keep it civil.

Your post will/might be rejected if it contains:

  • Spam

  • Insults, profanity, incoherent, obscene or inflammatory language and threats of any kind

  • Attacks on the identity of other commenters or the article’s author

User accounts will/might be blocked if we notice:

  1. Continuous attempts to re-post comments that have been previously moderated/rejected

  2. Racist, sexist, or homophobic comments

  3. Attempts or tactics that put the site security at risk

So, how can you be a power user?

  1. Stay on topic and share your passion. Feel free to elaborate to get your point across.

  2. ‘Like’ or ‘Dislike’ when you are filled with emotions!

  3. Protect your community. Use the report tool to alert us when someone breaks the rules.

Thanks for reading our community guidelines. Don’t forget, freedom of speech is not the freedom of reach!